Embarking on a job search can be a daunting task, especially if you are just finishing your degree and have never gone through the process. It can seem overwhelming if you are not sure where to start. Here are just a few tips to get you headed in the right direction:
- Create or update your resume
This is the foundation of your job search and your key to getting an interview. You want to make sure you are highlighting your accomplishments and the value you could contribute to an employer. Use our Quick Start Guide to get started. When you have a draft ready, make an appointment with your Career Consultant to get it reviewed. Your Consultant can help you polish your resume and make it shine!
- Prepare a rough draft of a cover letter
Target each cover letter to a specific job opening/employer. Your cover letter should expand on your resume, not reiterate what is on there. Focus on your strengths and how you can contribute to an employer by using specific examples. Our Cover Letter Basics guide will help you get a head start.
- Develop your job search action plan
Your job search will be more effective if you know what strategies to use to find job openings. Who could you speak with in your network? How are you going to approach them? Which online job search engines are best for your field? TWU Connect/Handshake is always a great place to start, but many career fields have their own websites for posting vacancies. If you are unsure where to start, meet with your Career Consultant to help you map out a strategy.
- Practice your interview skills
Interviews can pop up quickly and you should be prepared! Career Connections now uses Big Interview for interview practice and mock interviews. Log in from anywhere using your TWU credentials and get access to practice interview modules for virtually any career field. Big Interview even has practice modules for new graduates, veterans, graduate school admissions, and career changers, just to name a few.
- Get organized
Once you start applying to positions, you can easily lose track of your applications and contacts. Create a system of organization to record when you have applied, what information you have submitted, personal contacts and other pertinent information. When networking, keep a log of who you have talked with, what information they provided, and any referrals you received. This is a great way to make sure you have reached out to all of your resources, followed up with appropriate parties and sent thank you emails or LinkedIn messages.
Yes, the job search can be tedious, but with the right tools in place and the support of the Career Connections Center, you can get a jumpstart in your job search and set yourself up for success.