If that job offer you just got signals a happy end to your search, you might immediately want to text all your friends, pop the bubbly, and cue the imaginary marching band to mark the sheer magnitude of this moment. …
If you’re on the job hunt and are wondering whether you really need to send a post-interview thank-you email, the answer is a resounding yes! Now that we got that out of the way, use these helpful tips and the …
Let’s say you’re conducting a job search and aiming for an annual salary of $100,000, but a company you’ve interviewed with offers you $87,000. You could grudgingly accept it, walk away, or try to negotiate.
You decide to negotiate and …
Job searching is a grind. And the longer you’re at it, the worse it seems to get. It can be so discouraging to put yourself out there and get rejected over and over again or be met with radio silence.
Many people think of their lives as a series of phases that are passed through. In one phase, you are planning your college career to help you get the right job, in another you are saving for retirement and for …
Wouldn’t it be great if you could walk into your ideal company, tell them about yourself, and score your dream job right on the spot? Unfortunately, a job search takes a bit more effort than that, and employers want to …
Once you’ve found a job and company that you’re really excited about, salary might top your list of priorities. But while salary is important, it’s only part of the overall offer. To get the full scope of what you’ll really …
You’ve spent hours writing your resume, searching job sites, and applying to different roles—only to receive rejection after rejection. And that’s if you even hear back about your application at all. After a while, this all gets pretty exhausting, and …
As a career coach, I’ve worked alongside recruiters and heard their complaints as they review resumes. I remember one squinting at the screen as she tried to read a resume with tiny font, and another telling me she doesn’t even …
If you aspire to hold a leadership role one day, you first need to learn how to be a great follower. Today, many organizations are pushing back on leadership-centric structures and instead relying on team-centered approaches—which depend on active followership …