TWU has a unique student population and Career Connections recognizes that online students are often not on campus to utilize services. We want to make it easier for students to connect and use the services and resources available to facilitate career and professional development.

  • Our one-on-one appointments can be held on the phone or via video chat. Choose the medium when scheduling your appointment in Handshake.
  • We regularly host live webinars featuring the same content as our in person workshops. Check our calendar for online learning opportunities. 
  • Miss a live webinar? Access previously recorded webinars in our media library.
  • In Spring 2020, Career Connections will host its first-ever virtual career fair! We are excited to bring an online career fair format to serve our distance and online learners. Check back for more information as we will post the details as they become available!


Who’s Hiring | 7 Orgs Recruiting for Back-to-School Season

With summer coming to an end, it’s time for scarves and all things pumpkin-scented. But perhaps most importantly, it’s back-to-school season! Whether you’re looking for a teaching job or want to spend some time volunteering in the education sector, here …

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5 Steps to Disclosing an Invisible Disability at Work

Once upon a time, I had a high-level job at a national magazine. I was up for a promotion to editor-in-chief and was invited to lunch with the company’s VP. He was a tall guy with legs as long as …

By Dr. Gregory Shirley
Dr. Gregory Shirley Associate Director Employer Relations, Technology, and Operations
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Featured Resources

Resume Quick Start Guide

Need a resume and not sure where to start? Use this Quick Start Guide! Make sure to schedule an appointment …

Cover Letter Basics

Cover letters should represent who you are and why you are a good fit for the employer, but they can …

Contact & Location

(940) 898-2950

Career Connections Center
Woodcock Hall, Suite 200
1202 Old Main Circle
Denton, TX 76204

Office Hours

Monday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Tuesday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Please schedule an appointment with your Career Consultant.