Career Connections Career Champions Program
We recognize that students often ask faculty and staff career-related questions and we want to support you in answering them. The goals of this program are:
- To educate/update faculty and staff on career readiness, hiring trends, and career development issues facing our TWU students
- To empower faculty and staff with the knowledge to have impactful career conversations with students
- To reach students who connect with faculty but do not necessarily connect with our services and programs
- To provide consistent career messaging across all TWU communities
Topics include career readiness according to NACE guidelines, the importance of career exploration, the career decision-making process, guiding career theories (Chaos, Narrative, Happenstance), and common career/major myths. We will also explore various identities of our TWU student population and the unique career barriers they face (First-Gen, Black, Latinx, women {pay gap, discrimination}, lack of knowledge of options, lack of connections/social capital) and how we can help.
We will discuss getting students ready for life after TWU by focusing on experiential education, marketable skills and other experiences students can gain during time here. Additional topics include the NACE Ethical Guidelines, current hiring/job search trends (resumes, ATS, behavioral interviewing), our resources (Big Interview, Handshake, LinkedIn, CareerShift) and how to use them and the importance of helping students make connections and build social capital.
Each virtual session will be about 2 hours and allow time for Q & A; Participants must complete both modules to receive “Career Champions” sticker and certificate. Champions will receive a quarterly newsletter and on-going professional development opportunities.