Job description
The Adult Literacy Corps Member will serve as a part-time AmeriCorps Member to expand adult education and literacy instruction for adult learners in Duval County. Service would include providing reading and math instruction to adults through one-on-one tutoring, small group instruction, or topic-focused workshops. Members will help the students develop goals and develop contextual learning activities that incorporate those goals. Overall instruction can also include other forms of literacy including, but not limited to, financial, health, family, and digital literacy.
AmeriCorps Members will provide support for the following types of adult education activities:
– Adult Literacy and Education (reading, math, and language classes below the 9th-grade level)
– Computer Assisted Learning in the Computer Lab to include technology and content support
– GED Preparation Classes (Reasoning Through Language, Math, Social Studies, and Science)
– Adult Life Skills Workshops (Financial Literacy, Health Literacy, Digital Literacy, Family, and Career Development)
-English as a Second Language instruction
– Homework help sessions
– Individual coaching and mentoring
– Student registration and orientation (including pre and post-testing)
– Curriculum adaptation or development to meet student interests and goals.
– Recordkeeping of attendance and student outcomes
– Data entry to support student intakes, attendance, and outcomes using our LACES tracking system
– Community outreach for student and volunteer recruitment
Education award upon successful completion of service, Living allowance, Student loan forbearance, and training.
Contact: or call 904-238-9000